Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quel fromage

Well, it's not exactly what I had planned but it is the best thing to do: my ovaries are going to be removed tomorrow morning, very early (who books these things? where's my publicist?) in a laproscopic procedure called an ooferectomy which I imagine to be based on the phonetic spelling of the French word for egg, oeuf. (Bad speller of the world untie!)

Why the sudden plan for surgery you ask? Well, it starts with enthusiastic ovaries which, on their own, are really very lovely. In fact, as Janis pointed out, it means that my body has come back from all the treatments! I was in the small percentage of women who get their periods back after having chemotherapy - how amazing is that?! However, with the cancer having been estrogen positive, keeping estrogen around is not a good idea and in fact is what we've been working to stop: I've been getting monthly implants of a drug to ensure I stayed in menopause.

I've been saying that word a lot lately, menopause, and it does make me feel older than I am. The average age for menopause is 51 so at 40 I'm a little ahead of the curve here. And this may be why I felt a little chompy when the checkout gal tonight asked 'Would you like paper or plastic, Ma'am?' and I thought really, rather than paper or plastic, I'd prefer not to be called Ma'am...

So, back to the upcoming surgery. It's certainly not something I had planned, another surgery just seven months after the last one, but it is the most prudent choice for the bigger picture of healthy living. I want to know that I've done everything possible to remain cancer free so I'm doing what needs to be done (thank you Sister Stella!).

That big ol' blanket of love is wrapped around me now. Thank you for all your good thoughts and prayers-

With much gratitude and love,


Choralgrrl said...

Well...never boring, huh, Missy? :-)

Much love to you, Karen.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck on the surgery. We are thinking of you. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Anonymous said...

They don't give you much time to rest do they, lil' sweety?

Although this is totally sucky, laproscopic surgery is much less painful than what you have already been through (as I'm sure by now you know) and who needs all those eggs floating around anyway? I'm soooo jealous, cause you won't be having your own personal tropical vacations like all the rest of us who have reached the age of menopause. You can stay young forever!!! As you seem to have managed to do so far.

Love you to pieces.
Karen M. (2)

Char said...

Hi Kar,
Your Paynesville Prayer Pals are at work.
We're also cheering you on for a speedy recovery.
: )
We haven't started spiffing things up for our
girlfriend weekend, however, the dust BISON
will still be "thundering" by the time we catch them
I'm certain.
Still Singing,
Char, Barry, Brody and Sophie