Saturday, October 6, 2007

Schedule change

I am feeling very good heading into this weekend pre-chemo: these are the good days for energy and for fewer side effects. Today my energy isn't as threadbare as it was earlier in the week and I'm intereseted to see how much of the finger and toe numbness will go away over the weekend. I sure won't miss it when it's gone!

It's a beautiful weekend here so I'm going to get out and enjoy it with my dear friends Sarah and Marcus (and their dog Suzi, who I love to bring special treats to) at their home overlooking an apple tree valley in Red Wing. Whenever I'm with them it's always a treat. They both know so much about this amazing world around us. Every trip to visit them is an adventure: Lady Slippers on a hidden hill, migrating Scarlet Tangers in the tree canopy, bird watching at their picnic table. Look out nature: here I come!

Please mark your calendars for a change in my chemo schedule: I was not able to get on Dr. P's schedule for Monday (what do you mean you're seeing other people?!?) and am now on for Thursday this coming week. Not ever having had chemo before I thought the only way the date would change was if my blood counts weren't good enough but that's just not so. Many people want to see Dr. P and who can blame them. I know she's one of the people at the top of my list!

So, I'll enjoy an extra three days off this session. Please keep me in your thoughts this Thursday as the count down to completion continues... only two left to go!


Unknown said...

I continue to be amazed and humbled by your attitude, spirit and ability to laugh throughout this journey.
I'll say an extra special prayer for you Thursday morning...go piranhas go!

Kindest wishes,
Liv Tollefson

Unknown said...

As October is breast cancer awareness month, I am sending you a little message that was given to me:
Cancer is so limited..
It can't cripple love.
It can't shatter hope.
It can't corrode faith.
It can't eat away peace.
It can't destroy confidence.
It can't kill friendship.
It can't shut out memories.
It can't silence courage.
It can't invade the soul.
It can't reduce eternal life.
It can't quench the spirit.

I pray that all of these qualities will continue to be part of you each day, Karen--love, hope, faith, peace, confidence, friendship, memories, courage, soul, eternal life, and spirit.
Aunt Kathy Godon

Anonymous said...

Hey, K:

I'm sorry that I've missed so much in the last week (or so). I'm feeling better now, but I sure missed spending time with you and Karen (II) — and Shirl, of course — last Thursday. Hopefully the two of you were able to cover for us not being there; it was probably a bit of a stretch, since the two of you don't get on that well, but Hey! you can just chalk that up to more of the learning process!


So I spent the weekend holed up and trying to get some rest. That second part got covered pretty well. Now I just need to stop staying up 'til all hours on school nights during the recovery period. "Who would call me at this hour?!?!"

OK, that's it, I guess. I just wanted to send a couple words of encouragement before you take off for your [belated] 7th Round. What a milestone . . . Look how far you've come! Think of what you've learned! It's incredible!

Keep wacking away at it (oh, and try to not let your doctor stepping out on you get you down; a little birdie whispered to me once that you're allowed to have other relationships, they're just not supposed to be so . . . chummy).

Adapt Adopt Adept


Oh, yes, apparently we're down to using just initials ("It's just 'O' now love . . .").


We'll just have to get over it . . .

Anonymous said...

Hello Karen,
its Smita Corpron, after a long while. I read your posts and its so good to see you keeping your good spirit! This is turning out to be quite a journey for you, and you are a fabulous traveller for sure!Hope you enjoyed the weekend with Sarah and Marcus.

are you able to get to the Y with Janis? Hope to see you there! In the meanwhile, now that I am back from India, I hope you will let me know if you need anything, or just want to do something fun!!
