Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Kicking Cancer Ass - Version 2.0

(Before anything else, my apologies are given to all of you who have been waiting anxiously for news of how the surgery went. Unfortunately, computer access at the hospital is not as readily available as it is at the clinic and it hasn't been easy to find time to break away to search out a terminal. Thanks for your understanding.)

Sometimes, a new, unexpected detour must be taken on the journey you have planned. A detour can be a bit startling and unsettling at first if there is no signs alerting you that it is coming up ahead. But the brilliant thing about a proper detour is that it brings you to the original destination nonetheless.

Karen's cancer conquering journey had such a detour on Monday. None of us, including the surgeon, saw any signs alerting us to the detour, but when all was said and done, we're still on track. As Karen so appropriately told Dr. Boughey, "We kicked some cancer ass!"

The tumor was removed and Dr. Boughey is pleased that the second excision she made came back from Pathology with clean margins (cancer cell-free allowances around the tumor). Unfortunately, Karen's hope that the sentinel lymph nodes would be clean and thus allow her to keep her under arm lymph nodes was not realized. But what did come from the removal is that those cancer cells were removed from her body and do not have to be contended with any longer.

Removal of the lymph nodes meant the surgery was more involved and Karen was kept over night. It was difficult to manage her pain, and it required she be admitted a second night. After a team meeting though, we were able to coordinate a care plan to address the muscle tightness, pain and lack of continuous sleep. She had two, solid four-hour blocks of sleep Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and has done much, much better today. The doctor hopes to discharge her this evening.

We will stay in Rochester until tomorrow, just as a precaution. Then, Karen's friends Wendy and Chuck have graciously offered to have Karen in their home while she recuperates.

There are certainly more details I could relay, but I do want to get back up to the room. But I felt it important that I not delay this post any longer either. Oh, and I understand that some of you have had difficulty posting comments on the blog recently. I'm sorry for this. I think it may have something to do with trying to preview your comments before posting instead of just posting, but, if you'd rather just email Karen, feel free to send them to me at janiskelley at hot mail dot com and I'll print them out for her and forward them to her as well.

Thank you so much to all of you who have been sending your thoughts, prayers, support and positive energy. As a family, we continue to be touched by the depth and breadth of your kindness and love. Thank you hardly seems enough, but thank you.


Anonymous said...

Go, Karen, go! Grrrrrrrrrr.

You are truly a Piranha Woman of the Avocado Jungle of Tumor Death.

(Janis, I promise this will make sense to Karen.)


Much love,
Jodi (and Rochelle, if she knew I was writing)

P.S. THANK YOU for singing on Saturday. You guys were absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and that was an amazing experience all around. I hope your circle is loving you up as much as you guys loved us up at the wedding. Big, noisy smooch on your cheek...

Kyle K. said...


Keep up the good fight! I'm glad that we all could be there on Monday with you. I draw great strength from following your lead in this changing life event. If I could have 1/10 of your courage and strength I would be the luckiest guy on earth. Since I don't I'll gladly take the title of 'your little brother'. I love you so much Kar. :) See you soon.

Love - Kyle

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, there it is — the "P"-Word. I reiterate: IDEAS; ideas are the way to go.

["I know you think that . . ."]

I'm glad that things went well, considering that they went . . . differently . . . than was pla&(*R&^



differently than you thought.

Word has it that Chuck is planning to be a candy stripper for you while you recuperate. That's sure to create quite the stir. I was wondering if he was going to bring the boxes of dominoes and the lollipop, but somehow it doesn't play out correctly, does it? Nonetheless, I'll bet that there'll be plenty of entertainment.

OK, I'm off to bed. Get lots of rest, and drink plenty of fluids. We'll see you in a day or two . . .

adopt adapt adept


OK, so I tried to post this yesterday, but the Site Nuked the entry, which is somehow apropos on several different levels . . .

Unknown said...

Ferocious ass-kicking cancer beater! We (Howard and I) are so relieved you are through your surgery, and are praying for a quick and (relatively) pain-free recovery. Now, you will be able to focus on the remainder of your treatment, since that pesky tumor in GONE. You should start thinking about where you'd like to hold your "This crap's finally over" celebration..perhaps in the outer ring of hell, otherwise known as Blaine, MN? We'd love to host a "Thank God It's Over" party!
I will see you at Wendy and Chuck's, and we are praying and thinking of you always.
God Bless,
Maria and Howard

Anonymous said...

To Karen and all fellow Blanket Blogonauts,

I am posting via Janis because I'm on the other side of the world in Laos.
As I have walked the streets of Vientiane, the nation's capital, and seen the state of things here, I can only say that I am so thankful that my dear friend Karen is living in a time when we have learned so much about the treatment of breast cancer, and that she is living in a place and benefiting from the expertise of some of the best medical practitioners on the planet. This, coupled with her amazingly positive outlook and her fierce determination to zap these alien cells from her body once and for all, will absolutely prove to be the difference in this battle.
Karen, I'm so proud of you. Janet and I love you very much, and know that you will receive the outcome you've been working so hard to achieve.
Paul Hillmer

Anonymous said...

Thanks Janis for your latest update. For some reason my comments arn't attaching on your blog and I did quit doing the review but still don't see them posted.

You are all in my daily thoughts and will keep your recovery in my daily prayers. The most difficult phase (the surgery) is now behind you and once you are past the pain and discomfort of healing, the rest of the chemo hopefully will go better for you.

It was so good seeing you Karen the last time I was at Lisa's. I think I like your new hair-style from the pictures, it is perfect for you! Hope to see you again but have no plans to go to Lisa's soon, maybe for Thanksgiving.

Jeff and Elizabeth are coming the 1st of November for about 6 days, and Lisa is coming in with them to Grand Forks where we will pick them up at the airport. It will be fun to see the little girls together!! Can only hope they enjoy each other but both are used to playing by themselves. It will be interesting.

Love to all,

Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

Please tell Karen how relieved and excited we are that she's almost done with Mr. Toad's Wild Ride on the cancer machine. Also, let her know to please let us know if there's anything we can do for her to make her life easier in the next few weeks.
Galen, Nicole, Jasmyne, Connor and Riley

Anonymous said...

Hey Missie! so great to hang out with you this weekend, especially seeing you with your new, improved, energy-filled face last night. Great to hear you're turning the doping machine down. Don't get me wrong, drugs have their place... But good riddance, I say!

See you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
I’m glad Mark and I could join you for your stroll Sunday. It was fun to talk and enjoy the warm sun and the neighborhood. I love South Mpls.

I hope you’ve had a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful, sunny fall days since. By now, you’re probably walking around the lake and back on your daily jaunt. Every day is progress: get a little stronger, walk a little further, take a few less drugs, sleep a little less, eat a little those bad cancer cells who's boss!!

We’re here for you all the way.