Friday, November 2, 2007

On the mend...

It's been a good many days since I last posted and I know many of you have wondered how Karen is doing.

Karen has been recuperating well under the watchful eyes and tender care of Wendy and Chuck. Their poodles, Bella and Noah, make sure that Karen has lots of attention and ears to scratch too. She has also had numerous voicemail messages, cards, email messages and blog posts to let her know she is loved and supported during this time.

Karen is slowly beginning to feel more like herself. Never having had a surgery like that, we didn't really know what to expect and were surprised by how taxed the body is and all the energy it takes to heal. And while the pain meds were necessary, their down side was that they are also heavy depressants. So, for a few days there Karen would cycle between being a bit loopy, tearful or overwhelmed and then knocked flat for a solid sleep. It's helped a great deal that she has been able to nearly weened herself off them.

We had a post-surgery visit to Mayo this past Tuesday at which time Karen had the drain removed from under her arm where the lymph nodes had been. We also met with the lymphadema clinic for instruction on how to check for signs of swelling, to perform physical therapy at home and to be fit for a compression sleeve and bra. Lucia, the physical therapist, sewed for Karen, right on the spot, a custom bra insert of her own design that discourages lymphadema - and it works! She also showed us several exercises to restore the strength and range of motion in the left shoulder. This is slow process and, at times, very frustrating. Karen has said that it seems that it should not be so difficult to do something so easy nor should it be so tiring to do so little. But she's keeping at it. Each day it will get a little easier and a little better. She's been taking walks outside every day and today walked for 25 minutes on the treadmill.

Lastly, we also met with Dr. P, the oncologist. She is not comfortable returning to the remaining Taxol treatments as was the plan because Karen's neuropathy is still fairly significant. She is running a couple tests to help determine the course to follow from here and prescribed a drug to help with the nerve pain. Not only is it in her hands and feet now, but as the nerves that come from the spine, under the arm and down the arm repair themselves they create an extreme sensitivity to touch and a pin-prick sensation that has been a new type of pain to navigate.

Karen said to me yesterday that she wants to try and begin to return calls to people who have kindly checked in on her these past couple weeks. Until a few days ago, she really didn't have much energy to do much beyond the basics. But just as with her body, her energy is recovering too.

I want to thank you to all of you for your quiet support and prayers, your calls and cards, as well as your offers to help. Your kindness really helped make the walk down this unknown road easier. As Karen gets back up to speed we may take you up on those offers in the coming weeks.

Wishing good things for you all -

On the bye, out of curiousity I just checked and there are now 45 people who subscribe to the blog! I'm certain there are just as many folks who just stop by to read it on their own. The blanket of love and support you all create is enormous, warm and comforting. Thank you!


Anskov said...

Hi Janis:

Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on Karen. I am glad to hear that tho' it takes time, each day is getting a bit better. Please say Konichiwa to her from former Cafe Latte baking buddy, Matt.

You're in my prayers, Karen! :)


Margo said...

Thanks for the update, Janis. Brian and I were really glad to see both of you at the wedding, and I'm planning to stock up on ridiculous cards for Karen (I find laughter very therapeutic), but it's great to hear that she is doing better, even if the recovery is slow.

- Margo